Fotballmuseets venner - Ullevaal Stadion
9.oktober 2023 holdt Claus presentasjonen "En kamp til" for Fotballmuseets venner på Ullevaal Stadion.
Sterk samtale med Claus Lundekvam på Ullevaal Stadion i kveld. Møte i Fotballmuseets Venner. En meget lydhør og fornøyd forsamling. Claus er dønn ærlig.
- Dag Solheim
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Share information on a previous project here to attract new clients. Provide a brief summary to help visitors understand the context and background of the work. Add details about why this project was created and what makes it significant.
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Share information on a previous project here to attract new clients. Provide a brief summary to help visitors understand the context and background of the work.
